Sugar Plant & Spares
long tube evaporators

Our conventional Evaporators, the semi-kestners as well as the falling film evaporators incorporate many unique design feature which makes the system readily acceptable in the Sugar industry.
Advantages :
- Maximum steam economy due to special vapour bleeding systems.
- Increased capacity, by about 25% on account of higher heat transfer coefficient due to high velocity of juice in the tubes.
- Reduced inversion losses due to less retention time of juice at high temp.
- Energy saving due to no re-circulation pump in S.K. or conventional body
- Less Space requirement.
- Less scaling due to high velocities.
- Easy to clean.
- No entrainment of juice with vapours due to highly efficient 'save alls' & various baffler.
- Higher vapour Pressure available for pan boiling on vapours.
- Unique equitable wetting of tubes through innovative design of juice distributor nozzle for each tube for falling film evaporators.